Bullguard Internet Security
Bullguard Internet Security

To define Internet Security as a top rated protection suite of software applications from a third party software provider that you install on your PC, Laptop, Netbook, Chromebook, Tablet of Phone.

The Internet Security Product protects you via separate listed software applications defined below.

  • AntiVirus - Award winning virus search and destroy application It auto scans for current and future virus threats and eliminates them before they become a problem.
  • Firewall - Blocks unauthorised, malicious traffic, keeps unwanted hackers from intruding into your systems and stealing valuable financial data. 
  • Spamfilter - Keeps your inbox clear of junk emails, spam and phishing attempts.
  • Safe Browsing - This application flags up malicious code and stops you using unsafe websites that can scan your internet search results.
  • Parental Control - Keep an eye on your children's online behaviour and protects you personal details secure and steers them away from inappropriate web contact and sites.
  • Vulnerability Scanner - Locates vulnerable, out of date software before hacker can intrude and exploit the weaknesses.
  • Online Backup - Places your personnel data in an offsite backup storage location, so if your system is compromised by hardware failure your personnel data stays safe and you can restore it to your system.

As approved resellers, we recommend Bullguard Internet Security to keep you and your family safe when connected online and using the Internet. Bullguard is simple and easy to use, with a LOW impact on your system resources.

Contact Andy for more information on what we offer from Bullguard for your needs.

Mobile:- 07905 448901

 Email:-  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.